Private Bank Stock

Experts in IRA Custody of Private Bank Stock

Community National Bank knows bank stock, not only because we are a bank ourselves, but because we have over 40 years experience in the IRA custody of privately held bank and bank holding company stock. Banks across the nation trust us to provide the most accurate reporting and timely processing of transactions at a fee much lower than most IRA custodians can offer. With industry knowledge second to none and superior customer service, Community National Bank is the place to turn to for holding private bank or holding company shares within an IRA.

$50 Set Up Fee (one-time)

$105 Annual Base Fee

$50 Annual Asset Holding Fee

View Full Fee Schedule

Are your current IRA fees too high? Not receiving the service you deserve?
Contact us today for your IRA custody needs.

800.680.0340 ext 6814

*According to IRC Section 4975 (Tax on Prohibited Transactions), certain individuals with controlling interest in a company, such as a 10% or more owner, an officer, a director, a highly compensated employee, or transactions involving a fiduciary, ancestor, or lineal descendant of a person with controlling interest, may be disqualified from holding an investment in that company within their IRA.

In the case of a possible disqualified individual, Community National Bank will require an ERISA Attorney’s opinion outlining IRC 4975, the facts surrounding the proposed transaction, and analyzing whether or not the transaction would be prohibited. If you have questions as to whether the ERISA Attorney opinion would be required for a specific individual, please contact us at 800-680-0340.